
Son las 5:35 de la tarde y tengo un sueño de la fregada!!! estoy en la escuela, me voy a quedar hasta que me corran del centro de computo, para q a las 10 me vaya a jugar el partido correspondiente... tengo muchisima flojera... pues a ver como queda el partido...

Ahorita estoy oyendo una rola de Blink 182...

Stay together for the kids

It's hard to wake up
When the shades have been pulled shut
This house is haunted
It's so pathetic
It makes no sense at all.
I'm ripe with things to say
The words rot and fall away.
If a stupid poem could fix this home
I'd read it every day.

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.
It's not right

Their anger hurts my ears
Been running strong for seven years
Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them
It makes no sense at all
I see them every day
We get along so why can't they?
If this is what he wants and this is what
she wants
Then why is there so much pain?

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost
It's not right

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost
It's not right

It's not right
It's not right
It's not right

Esta chida... me gusta un buen... nos cuidan

1 comentario:

Jesus Ferruzca dijo...

Hay algo que se usa mucho aqui en el Planeta Tierra para quitar ese malestar, se llama DORMIR, no si se lo aya intentado InGerardo, esta chida la solucion y se hace una vez al dia, POR LO MENOS.

Si no sabe que es eso o como se hace, solo haga su busqueda en esta web:
De seguro le solucionan toda duda hacerca de dicho tema...

No mamssss. Que comentario tan mamila acabo de hacer....

Sale Inge,,, Duerma!!!